Before I finish that quote, I wanted to preface this email and explain that ethics and morals are something that are incredibly important to me.
For whatever reasons, I've grown up with a strong belief of always trying to do what's right (my parents did a good job!).

I will always be honest to a fault. I will choose to do what I believe is right even if it's harder, and I am more than willing to hold my hand up and say sorry if I ever fuck up.
I'm not saying I'm perfect or a saint, I make mistakes, and of course my ideas of right and wrong aren't going to be 100% the same as yours.
But my intentions are always in the best place, that much I can say with confidence.

So why am I talking about this?
Well, that's because AcroSpirits principles, ethics, and commitments are somewhat an extension of my own and the rest of the teams too.
And this is relevant to you, because it is at the root of everything we do and how we operate.
To complete the quote from the title:
"Ethics is KNOWING the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do." - Potter Stewart
The knowing is highlighted because this is pretty important, we need to know and understand before we are able to correctly choose.

Thankfully, we believe we know "what is right" for us to operate as a yoga business and for you as a member of our community, and I want to share that below...
I would also just state that with the modernisation of yoga, and it becoming a giant industry, I believe we are vastly different to many other modern yoga businesses out there today.
The simple fact that I'm taking the time to write this out and explain it to you, I hope, shows a level of openness, honesty and respect.
Something that I personally find is far too infrequent in the yoga world than it should be.

So here's our key principles that we will strive to maintain:
We aim to always be a highly ethical business.
We want to do what is right (for you first and foremost).
We are open and honest in our values and intentions.
We are clear in our communication.
We want to earn, respect and maintain your trust.
Upholding these values is really important for us because these are also some of the values of acroyoga.
So many modern yoga businesses focus solely on making money (there's nothing wrong with making money of course).
The key difference is that AcroSpirit is 100% committed to focusing on your dreams, and your needs first and foremost.
Even if you aren't yet a paying customer of ours.
Read that again...
Even if you aren't paying us, we are still committed to serving you and giving you as much value and help as we can.

Because we believe that this practice will benefit you and therefore you deserve to know about it.
So you have my promise that we will keep providing you with value through information, advice, entertainment and free products like the Playbook.
We of course still need to make money, but the key distinction is that this is not primarily why we are doing this.
We are not in this business to become rich.
Trust me, if I wanted to make money there are a million other easier ways I can and would go about doing it, haha!
I created AcroSpirit because it is my passion, it's my dharma, it's what I need to share with the world and what I feel called to do with my life.

Just to be clear, so you don't think this is some kind of charity...
We will charge money for some of our products!
The ones that add the most value to you and help you significantly, because sadly we can't run off goodwill, prayers and dreams alone, hah.
But these products will always be priced so that the value you are getting hopefully far outweighs the money you pay.
The last thing we want to do is betray your trust.
So you have my clear intention and commitment that we will never knowingly promote or sell you something that will not be of value to you.
We will always do our best to inform you as much as possible about our products.
To let you know exactly what they can and can't do for you...
(sadly there are limits to what miracles we can work, we can't promise you enlightenment or Samadhi that's for sure haha)

This way, you can make the best-informed decisions about whether to buy or not.
I will even tell you not to buy our products if we don't think it's in your best interest.
Ultimately this may not make us the most successful and biggest Acroyoga business in the world.
But it will hopefully make sure that those of you who do decide to become clients of ours will be satisfied with what you receive.
We will also feel happy when we go to sleep knowing that we've given more value than we've taken and done everything in line with our ethics, intentions, and principles.
That's enough talk of ethics and principles for one day, I hope you've got the picture by now.
