This is another suggested topic, and it might be really useful for you...
How do I create my own acro yoga community?

Now let me start by saying if you're unsure about how to create a community and whether it's possible, and where to start etc. Then before we get into everything else, I would say the most important thing is...
Just do it!

My pointers and ideas here are not as useful as just going out and doing it and figuring it out for yourself. Plus there's no real downside to trying it. Worst case you struggle to make a sustainable community, but even then you will meet new people share some acro yoga, and learn some things on the way.
So anyway for more specific advice or pointers, let's start with where or how to find people.
The answer is wherever there are yogis.

So maybe this means you look up your nearby yoga studios, or you look for yoga teachers in your area and so on. I think this is a solid bet for networking and finding people in your area that may be into acro yoga or may want to try it. The other thing I would mention is of course search on google and facebook first for acro yoga in your area. Maybe there is already a community you just haven't found yet...

The next pointer would be to arrange a regular meeting time and place to start with.
There's a few things to consider when choosing a place. When starting out I think it's best to go for a public space that is easily accessible and ideally has low barriers for people to join. I.e. it's free and isn't difficult for people to find.

So for example a public park or a beach is a good starting option if the weather allows. If you are weather challenged then go a for a studio or sports space or gym, but the additional thing to consider with this is picking a space with an appropriate floor.
Especially if you're starting a community and will have lots of beginners then having a padded or softish floor will be a bonus.

Yoga studios may be a great option if some of the teachers or owners are interested in having some acro yoga in their space.
The third bit I would say is don't be afraid to share and mention about your acro yoga community project to everyone!

If nobody knows or hears about it nobody will even have the choice of joining. In my experience so many people actually enjoy acro yoga when they give it a try. They are just never exposed to it, or hesitant because of fears or limiting beliefs. The best way is just to get people to try it and they see all of the benefits and fun of it themselves.
And last and maybe most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Acro yoga is meant to be fun, running a community should be an enjoyable and fun thing to do as well. So keep the fun spirit, openness, inclusivity and positive supportive energy of acro yoga at the heart of what you do, and you'll be well on the right path :)

If you want to really improve your acro yoga practice, learn more, or attend one of our retreats and events, then these are the best ways I can help you :)
1. You can learn about our product The AcroBack and order your very own here:
2. If you're interested in learning more about our personal acro yoga coaching online then you can find all of the info here, and book a free chat with me!
3. If you want to stay updated about our retreats, festival, and workshop events then our AcroSpirit Community Facebook Group is the best place to check.