If you're any kind of mover or into acro you probably want to handstand.
Or if you already can you probably want to do it better.
I sure as hell do!
For some reason, I'm not sure exactly why, but a handstand is such a challenging movement.
I've been working on mine for a good 2+ years already.
Plus I know people who are amazing at it, they've trained every day for years and years, and they still do to keep improving it.
This probably sounds a little daunting and scary, but don't be put off by the dedication.
I see it more as a never ending journey.
One that you will always enjoy and you will never fully master, unless you're one of the top few circus level people in the whole world.
For me personally, I am fairly comfortable in a handstand these days.
I can do a variety of entries and shapes with some level of understanding.
But I still lack consistency and that feeling of complete control that I've gained in other practices/skills I've learnt.
For me I use this as motivation that I want to improve and get better rather than be discouraged.
I would encourage the same thinking in you, that is if you're like me and still not where you want to be in your handstand practice.
Another way I find motivation is by watching other people doing handstands.
Sometimes I watch super advanced handstand people on instagram.
The stuff they are doing is a million miles beyond me.
But sometimes just seeing their movements helps me to visualise or picture things I could do differently.
It gives inspiration and makes me think of different things I can do and try.
To finish, I really want to express that for those of you who have never tried or never really managed a handstand before...
It feels amazing!
When you finally get it, it's super satisfying.
There's something incredible about balancing in a handstand, and it feels very different to a headstand or forearm stand.
It feels really surreal, and amazing to be able to actually balance in that position.
It requires of you and as a result gives you full presence and focus.
So if you're still hesitant to try handstanding, trust me it's worth the effort!
Just get started, have fun with it.
Use a wall and practice safely of course.
But mostly get inspired and use that inspiration to practice it regularly.
Plus if you ever need help or have questions about it, feel free to drop me a message. :)
