It's easier than you think, but challenging in many ways too!
If you're somewhere where you don't have a regular acro community, then pay attention maybe this can inspire you or help you to create your own.
In terms of creating an acro community you simply need enough interested people who want to learn and grow in acro.
A minimum of 3 people is all you need, but it's nice to have a bigger group for variety and continuity.
Once you have that all you need to do is pick a time and a place that's suitable for doing acro.
Communicate it to the group and...
Voilla you have an acro jam and an acro community.
The real trick though is maintaining and growing this community.
I have seen many communities appear and disappear because they are lacking in certain things.
I think there is a few key components required to keeping a community growing and thriving.
They are:
1. Some Leadership
Leadership is important to give some direction, and make decisions and give some sense that someone is looking out for the community and putting some effort to making sure it is running well etc.
This doesn't need to be an individual it can be a few individuals who are able to make decisions for the good of the community, and who can communicate these to the group.
Leadership in my opinion is about doing whats best for those you are leading, leading by your own example, and much more (we can talk about it another time).
2. A regular passionate core
If there is a core group who are passionate and interested in acro, they will keep the community alive with their regular presence and commitment.
Without this things can tail off and die.
It's easy to find these people they will be drawn to your community!
3. Growth
Growth in terms of the size of members, but moreso the skills and level of the community in general is important for keeping people interested and coming back.
Imagine if you're in a community where no one learns any new things for a year or more.
It will get a little uninspiring.
What some communities do really well is hold festivals, or invite skilled teachers to run workshops, and this way they give opportunities to their community to learn, grow and improve together.
4. Genuine Friendships
An acro community shouldn't just be about acroyoga.
One thing I've found is that acro helps to make amazing relationships and friendships.
So doing community events and things that are not acro, like going to eat together after a jam, or just hanging out and watching movies or playing board games or whatever you like to do...
Are amazing ways to bond and strengthen the friendships and connections within your community.
I hope this helps give some inspiration for what to do to set up or improve your current community.
I am very grateful to be part of the wonderful Bali acro community, and a lot of these key ideas come from what I think our community is doing pretty well with! :)
Let's grow awesome acro communities all around the world!
See you soon,