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How YOU can become anyone's favourite acroyoga partner

Writer's picture: Caspian BurrellCaspian Burrell

Let's talk about how to make everyone enjoy playing acro with you and how to be a favourite acroyoga partner.

I have a few different ways that help to make this the case.

But just know you don't need to be everyone's favourite acro partner.

We don't all get on with every single person we meet, sometimes personalities clash or for whatever reason you aren't drawn to some people.

Just know that that's okay.

You can do several things though to make the experience of playing acro with you much more enjoyable for anyone.

They are:

  • Giving therapeutics and massage as thanks

  • Being positive, happy and encouraging

  • Being skilled and experienced

  • Giving compliments

  • Focussing on the other persons needs

To be honest there is even more than this and many small other things we can do, but I'm just going to focus on the above for now...

Giving therapeutics and massage as thanks:

I don't know many people who wouldnt want a free massage.

Personally I would be at the front of the queue if they were being offered.

So imagine if every time you played acro with someone they gave you a mini massage or therapeutic acro session!

You'd be super happy to play with them again and again, right?

So it's pretty simple, start incorporating it into your practice, get used to giving a little bit of massage every time you play with someone.

I'll be honest I don't do this as much as I should, and it's something I too need to be more consistent with.

Because it 100% works!

Be positive, happy and encouraging

Nobody wants to play with a grumpy, depressive, negative person.

But on the other side it's super fun and uplifting to play acro with someone who has that yeah lets do it, we rock attitude.

It makes the practice positive and fun and you don't have to worry about the negativity of failing.

A key to building this attitude is making sure to always celebrate your successes!

Give high fives and take a moment to enjoy what you've done.

Being skilled and experienced

Okay this one isn't such an easy one. It just takes time, consistency and practice.

But I wanted to include it, because of course the more skilled and capable you are in acro the easier the practice becomes for the other person.

So you enable them to do more, learn faster and go further.

I personally wouldn't focus on this specifically, just know that overtime the more you practice and progress the more you'll be a favoured acro partner.

Giving compliments

This is a super easy and effective one.

Something you can start doing

It's pretty straightforward, just let the other person know what they are doing well, what you like and what you enjoyed about them with regards to acro or even not to do with acro.

I'm not suggesting you lie and make stuff up, just be honest and real with people but let them know when they are doing great and why!

This is so good for giving your partners a little ego boost and making them feel good about themselves and about doing acro with you.

Focussing on the other persons needs

Okay last one is about putting your partner first.

As I've mentioned in many previous emails, acro is all about teamwork and great teamwork comes from looking out for your partner and what they need.

Ask questions about what they feel, how you could help them more in the practice.

This will go along way to them feeling listened to, supported and like they enjoy working with you in acro.

Like I said this is just the main few things that come to mind on this topic but there is plenty more.

I want to finish by saying these are some of the best habits you can cultivate as a person through acro.

This is the foundations to making you a better friend, partner or parent even.





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