Okay I'm going to be honest this is an acro topic I've been hesitant to write about.
Mostly because it's a controversial topic, and I know that people will possibly disagree or question my opinions.
But I guess that's part of the point of talking about these topics that are edgy...
It sparks conversation, provokes people to think and determine their opinion on the matter and helps bring awareness.
So let's get into it shall we *clenches butt cheeks nervously...*
"Incest in acro" as I fondly like to call it, is in my experience...
The reality that a certain amount of relationships and casual flings happen within acroyoga communities.
I'm going to break this down a bit and explain it more first.
Then I'll give you my opinion based on my experiences too...
From my experiences in general within acro communities it's quite commonplace to find couples who both do acroyoga together.
It's also common for those relationships to form because of acro.
I can think of many examples of this, and have myself had a relationship come out of an acro partnership.
It's also common for casual hook-ups to occur with acro people and I have also been aware of many of these and had a few experiences of this sort myself.
Here's why I think these things happen at a relatively higher rate in acro compared to other communities or activities.
This is because in acro we get to know people and their personalities very quickly...
I always like to say I can find out most of an individuals personality within the first 30 seconds of playing acro with them.
It gives an insight in to their, openness, playfulness, control, confidence, fear and trust, plus communication, listening and how fast or slow they like to learn and do things.
Because of this I think it is easy to quickly understand if the person you've just met is someone you like, someone you want to be friends with or more...
There is of course the factor of physical touch and intimacy too that means we get more comfortable quickly with strangers..
I think with these in mind it makes sense that these relationships or flings can form more readily or quickly than in other communities.
That in itself isn't inherently a bad thing.
But here's my opinion on what is good and bad about "incest in acro"
I think it's good that we can more quickly find out and understand if this is someone we potentially want to be friends with or more.
It's also great that amazing lasting real relationships form from acro.
There's many couple's I know who met through acro and have a long relationship now.
One bad side is it can cultivate people who use acro as a tool to meet people and have hookups.
I personally think this is an incredibly bad attitude and negatively impacts the reputation of acro as a practice.
If you do acro it should be for the practice itself first and foremost.
If you are coming to acro purposefully to pick up people, then just go to a nightclub or a bar instead...
One other bad impact is if those relationships or hookups breakdown in a negative way it can make it difficult to do acro together again, or make it akward within the community.
I've witnessed and experienced this mysyelf as well as with others too.
The key thing for dealing with this is treating each other with respect and communicating openly and honestly.
Obviously everyone and every relationship is different but if we learn anything from acro about communication, trust etc. it should only help us navigate through things like break ups etc.
So there's my opinion, I know this is a contentious topic and maybe you think differently about it, and that's cool.
This was also only scratching the surface, so if you want us to go deeper (pun intended) then let me know and we can make a youtube episode talking all about it.
Catch you on the flip side!
