It’s a very exciting day for me and AcroSpirit, because…
Today we launched The Acroyoga Show on Youtube!
We are so excited for this show.
We plan for it to be the main way that we can share what we love with you!
We really want to grow this channel and make it sustainable in the long run.
Plus increase our reach to more and more people who need to hear/see our message.
I highly recommend you head on over to the channel and see the full episode
for yourself.
Episode 1: Welcome To The Acroyoga Show
Also as this is something new that we are starting.
It would be incredibly helpful to us, and we would massively appreciate it...
If you smash the like and subscribe button.
This will help us grow and be able to bring better videos and make more episodes.
Thanks, and I'll see you in the next episode!
This is the acro yoga show. We're bringing acro straight to you find out about us why we're doing this and what we're all about.
Welcome to the acro yoga show brought to you by Acro spirit we are your hosts Caspian,
And I'm Brent.
Today we're going to talk all about the actual show what it's about who we are and what our vision is for the future.
Make sure you don't miss out on any of our upcoming content.
Hit like and subscribe button.
Acro Spirit formed back in Bali spirit fest 2019, a group of passionate Acro Yogi's, came together for a performance to entertain people and showcase Acroyoga.
For me, this is a huge turning point. I was backpacking as a yoga teacher around Asia, and I made the commitment to come to Bali to stay to be part of the Acroyoga community and grow it.
So from the Acro Spirit group that we've created. We are now bringing you The Acroyoga Show.
And the beautiful reason behind this is because so many of us are passionate about acro yoga, we want to share our community and grow and spread acro all around the world.
Acroyoga is all about community bringing people together for a common purpose, and Bali is a hotspot of Acroyoga. We've got teachers, practitioners and travelling, Acroyoga is from all around the world.
So we've created The Acroyoga Show to bring these people together and showcase what Acroyoga is all about.
Come join our community!
I love bringing people together. I love working on a team. I love accomplishing goals with other human beings and Acroyoga is a perfect example of this.
Personally, I've been building the acro yoga community here in Bali. I've learned how valuable community is and how important it is to have other people to work with depends on and to trust.
So Acroyga for me is all about community.
Performing beautiful Acro flows is a wonderful way to showcase how this movement practice can be an expression of art, creativity and partnership.
Check out our group performances by clicking the links below you can see us in action and Lion King and Bohemian Rhapsody, performing and inspiring others is something that I am personally passionate about.
I love sharing tips with you so you can incorporate it into your own acro practice.
Many of us in our Acroyoga community especially in Bali, are Acroyoga teachers and also yoga teachers.
Our aim and vision with Acroyoga show are to share and spread our teaching to everyone. Personally, I've been teaching Acroyoga for more than five years now.
And I've been teaching many, many students that end up falling in love with Acroyoga, and have their own journey with Acroyoga, they grow.
They share Acroyoga to their own community that makes me very, very, very happy about it and I feel a lot of joy just to know that they go somewhere else and spread Acroyoga.
So this is what I love a lot about Acroyoga that I want to bring it to you and share this love that I love with everyone.
The Acroyoga Show is all about introducing Acro to people, giving you value helping by giving the tools, the skills, the knowledge and everything you need to start building communities, making friendships and learning this awesome fun new yoga practice.
Now you know a little bit about us and The Acroyoga Show check out our next episode for a sneak peek into upcoming content that we're going to be providing on a regular basis.
Come join the community!
Be a part of our journey and spread the joy of Acroyoga
Or if you have friends and family you need some better friendships, better community and connection invite them along hit subscribe button so you don't miss out.
Thank you for watching and welcome to
Caspian, Callan, Sheryl, Brent
The Acroyoga show!
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