As I've mentioned before in quite a few of my blogs, communication and how you interact with others in acro has a big impact on your practice.
I would go as far to say that it is a part of the practice itself.
So today I'm sharing an easy communication tip that you can start implementing straight away to improve your acro!
The tip is quite simply about sharing something positive or something the other person did really well.
This doesn't have to be every second of the practice of course.
But after you've played with someone it doesn't take much effort to pay them a compliment or find something positive and good that they did.
Acro is about teamwork.
We can't shine or be at our best without someone else working with us.
No matter how beginner someone is they are still doing something right or good to make even a basic bird.
So saying something like:
"great job being tight and steady"
Or if it's someone's first time and you're guiding them...
"good job following the cues and advice".
Of course make the compliment genuine, and mean it, otherwise this will do more harm than good.
I often praise people for the effort, or commitment they give, as those are things I genuinely appreciate (especially if someone is struggling with a move and they keep going and trying then I applaud that!).
The real trick with this though is just taking time to notice and appreciate what the other person is doing really well.
Challenge yourself when you finish playing with someone, to share with them something you liked or appreciated or something they did well, and make it genuine.
If you can build this to become a consistent part of your practice it will have positive affects and repercussions forever!
It's something I am still working on to improve at, but I have definitely seen the benefits of it from both sides, so I can tell you that it works!
I was training with a flyer before who would always be really complimentary and appreciative of my basing, and it was super encouraging and rewarding to play with her.
I hope this helps for you and you can implement it in your future acro sessions!
Plus don't forget, you can use this in your everyday life too, and it will also have some big positive affects too :)
