Today I'm going to go into more detail on how acroyoga can grant you a super power of better reading and understanding others.
So let me explain how and why...
After about 6 months in to my proper acroyoga journey, when I was practicing every day.
I realised that I had developed a skill for weighing people with my feet.
Having put enough different bodies on my feet over time and getting a good enough feeling of their various weights.
I was suddenly able to take a flyer put them on my feet and accurately guess their weight to within maybe +/- 1kg.
Cool party trick huh...
Feel free to test me on it next time you see me, haha.
But this is just measuring someone's physical weight...
With this realisation that I had developed this skill, I also realised I had inadvertently developed or improved a much more useful skill.
That is the incredibly useful skill of understanding someone's character and personality better.
I realised that by just playing acroyoga with someone for a few minutes I gained a deep understanding of many of their basic character traits.
It's like a very quick look into what kind of a person they are, and it's hugely revealing!
Within a few short minutes of playing acro with someone you can find out:
How trusting they are
How fearful they are
How they deal with their fears
How confident they are
How controlling they are
How well they listen and follow instructions
Whether they panic or are calm under pressure
How well they communicate their feelings with others
How comfortable or uncomfortable they are with physical touch
How they interact with strangers
How they work with others
Whether they like to lead or follow
How big their ego is
How friendly and open they are
I mean honestly this list could go on and on.
You really get such a deep insight into someone's personality when you play acroyoga together.
Maybe you doubt me, so I'll give you the reason why this works now.
It's because it is impossible to mask these aspects of your character so completely when doing acroyoga.
It is a challenging, unusual, teamworking, communicative practice. There is no way to do something like this with someone without revealing some of these aspects of your character.
If I ask someone "do you want to play acro with me?" Their response already gives an indication...
"It looks scary, is it dangerous?" - fearful, nervous
"wow that looks cool, hell yes!" - excited, open, confident (maybe over-confident)
"umm, okay" - not very communicative, unsure
These are simplified examples I'm using to illustrate a point.
But you get the idea...
Then there's the way they physically respond, emotionally respond with their subconscious body movements etc. and more.
There is one caveat that I will add, which is:
This takes time and experience.
The more people you meet and play acro with, the more personalities you are exposed to.
The more you start to recognise patterns in the way people respond and act.
But over time you will come to realise that this really does work, and it really is an awesome super power!
It's so useful!
You can play acro with someone and in a few minutes realise...
Is this someone I enjoy and want to be friends with?
Is this someone who I really want to avoid because our personalities don't suit?
and so on...
I hope this email inspires you and helps you realise that you can start building your acro super power too!
Just by bringing some awareness to what I've talked about next time you do acro.
If you're completely new to acroyoga then don't worry about this yet.
We can help teach you the basics and start your journey off on the right foot.
